Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


What carries down this hall, the din of distant past and trace of last night

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


It’s a no-no, turning the lens directly into the sun

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


It started, as it does every year, with the buds at the tips of low branches

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


A young woman was telling me recently about sound: recording it, editing it, using it to tell a story. While silent, photographs can evoke sound

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


Morning at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, today with torrents of water and the desert blooming

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


Back to the sea, with its open bound of water and far horizon

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


Another aperture, this oculus. It is as simple as a hole and as infinitely complex as the shapes and colors of day, night and weather that it projects inside

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


I look at this photo and see one of my grandmother’s paintings of this same ocean. Familiar water and dunes, and yet every day a distinct place and feeling

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


What better than a room lined in books, bindings and covers of different colors, worn by hands and sun…

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


A single image can make me think of so much

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


A moment between day and night, belying the winds and transition

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


I received Ed’s card today, a decorated print posted with a stamp on the back. Just holding it is a pleasure.

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


For all the importance of light in photography, I am equally taken by the darks. Not just black, but deep velvets with their own luminosity and textures, sometimes more brown or gray.

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


What does a camera measure? Light. A record of ever-changing brilliance

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


Of the ways to see, observation ranks high for me. The dictionary definition

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


How do we see? Seeing can be so many things: observation, reflection, surprise….

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


Another part of the joy of photography for me is the experience of discovery

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


Part of the joy of photography for me is the process

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Amina Tirana Amina Tirana


Inside the dazzled darkness of a Kusama infinity room recently, I was transfixed by individual apertures

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